Thursday, January 10, 2013

Who Can You Trust?

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The last few days I have been thinking about exactly who I can put my trust into. Through the years we have all had people that we have trusted and they have let us down, then there have been some from the past that we still trust to this day.

So much of life is focused on trust. As children we trust our parents to raise us right and that every thing they are teaching us is right, none of it being lies. We get into school and we trust our teachers are giving us the best education they can provide. We fall in love and trust the person we are in love with but what happens when that trust is broken in any situation, at any age? Each time trust is broken, we put up a wall. Throughout our lives many walls can be put up but we have to be willing to let down those walls to let God in.

Sadly, trust is broken sometimes during our life time but that does not mean that we should give up on everything or everyone and be lurking over our shoulders that everyone we know is going to hurt us. At the same time we ought to be cautious of who we give our trust to.
While it is a scary thing to give the world your trust, giving it over to God should be easy but more than half the time, we make it overly hard.

-Psalm 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

The world is selfish, deceitful and most of the time faithless. So while we can put as much trust in the world as we want to, it can fail. God can not fail!
This does not mean do not trust your spouse but in everything you do trust in the LORD your God. In every decision you make, in every situation, (Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; Proverbs 3:5)

Our decisions made without talking to God first will always most likely fail; always remember to trust in Him with every inch of your life and to continually pray.  

Thank you for taking the time to read! May you have a wonderful, blessed day!
-A Woman with Faith

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Are you turning your problems to God?

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As my day has gone on, I have been having a lot of anxiety. Over what? I have no idea exactly. Could it be the thought of every thing I do with my Daughter at Christmas time and how this is the first Christmas my Mom is not here to share it with us? Most likely. Also, I'm sure being a woman and having random emotion spurts does not help either. So my Daughter is taking her daily nap and I am sitting in the living room finishing wrapping her and my husbands presents and I, out of no where get this overwhelming, anxiety feeling come over me.

Instead of turning to God in prayer for the way I was feeling I just sat there and continued with what I was doing just trying to let my feelings disappear on their own. It doesn't work that way and I knew that but some times we all are so stubborn to make things different in our own ways and on our own time we don't even stop and think to talk to God about it. He can help with everything that we are going through.

I had something completely off of this topic that I was going to write about today, until I got on my facebook right before I came here to write my blog and low and behold God had used a good friend of mine to share some of His words with me. (Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7) It is amazing that at times we may put God on the back burner to deal with something on our own but He shows us even though we were not thinking of Him, He was still thinking of us, Always!
Thank you for letting me go on about something that I thought was amazing and helped me today, I hope it has helped someone out there also. Have a blessed day!
-A Woman with Faith

Monday, December 17, 2012

Is He Watching?

Through songs we tell our kids they better watch out because Santa is watching them and if they are not good Santa won't visit them. Why do we tell them so much that they need to be good for Santa but year around we don't tell them they need to behave for God?

God watches us every second of every day and that is not to sound scary it should make us feel loved that we have a Father that loves us so much He wants to look out for us and care for us all of the time. (Job: 34:21- "His eyes are on the ways of men; he sees their every step.") You can try to hide from Him all you want to or make excuses for your sins but at the end of the day He has seen everything that you have done.

This post is short and simple, is there anything that you are trying to hide from God and are feeling convicted? If so, turn it all over to Jesus and pray, pray, pray! Remember, He is everywhere, nothing is hidden from Him.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Is a Little Enough?

In today's world everything is rushed. Instead of sitting down and eating dinner together and spending family time together, most families go to fast food restaurants and eat on the go. If we don't even have time for sitting down and communicating with our family's, are we spending enough time with God as we should? He has never left us, He has always been there; we are the ones who distance ourselves from Him.

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Think, with everything that you do in your day: taking care of your family, cleaning, cooking, doing every day chores, playing with your kids, possibly working out or even working; do you allow enough time for God? Even then, how much time is enough?

I know I'm not satisfied with myself if I go to sleep and I have not done a single thing for God that day. I feel like I failed and did not accomplish anything like I should have. I always say how I want to devote more of my time and I will, for a few days. Then once a few days has passed I fall back into my comfortable, worldly ways of letting everything else get in my way of God.

Since I have started my blog back up I have been devoting more of my time to Him. Not only with this blog but my Husband and I do devotions at night now (again), I talk to God a lot more throughout my day and night, I praise Him more for everything He does for my family and ask for His help in most that I do. I recognize now that I'm the one who did not stick close by His side.
So as I'm getting closer and closer to God, I'm getting happier and things in my life could not be any better. My question for you today is; have you been slacking on your time with God and if so what can you do to change that?

I hope you have taken something away from this today and it will help you. Thanks so much for taking time to read this today! May God bless you in everything you do.
-A Woman with Faith

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

No One Knows the Day or the Hour

I was not completely sure what I was going to write about today until I came across quite a few posts on another site about the "mayan apocalypse." Though I do not believe in that even a little, I did some reading up on it to see exactly what people were saying about it.

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Some people believe they can take tickets and be rescued by the government if the world does end December 21. Some say Earth will be swallowed by a black hole or even collide with another planet leading the Earth into an explosion, possibly just a huge meteor shower destroying all of Earth. Further research led me to the NASA website, where they state as far as they can see there is nothing aligned to show the world there is proof that the end of the world will be that day but yes, there will be a winter solstice. There are reports of children wanting to take their lives in fear of December 21, so and NASA made the announcement that 12/21 will not be the end of times. The mayan calender does go on but their long count calender ends December 21 just like ours ends December 31. When the mayan calender starts up again it is the beginning of a new long-count period. So while there are millions out there scared of this coming day, what do Christians believe, and what does the Bible have to say about it?

Mark 13:32- No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
That tells us that not even the Son knows, He will come back when His Father tells Him so. There is no scientist or fortune teller in the world who could say they know when His return will be or that the world will end in the way it is being rumored. The Bible clearly states how the world will end and we will see Jesus' coming (Matthew 24:30-31 “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other). There will be light shone from one end to the other, everyone will see. (Matthew 24:27)

By reading and studying the Bible we were warned to be prepared for such things as what is being talked about right now. Matthew 24:4 Jesus answered: "Watch our that no one deceives you." Don't be fooled by what others tell you or try to get you to believe, stick to your faith no matter how good a non believer may make something sound. Matthew 24:23-26 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time. “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the desert,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it.

Remember, only our Father knows the time and the hour, the only thing we need to do is BE READY. And so the question is, is your heart faithful to the Word or are you faithful to the world?

I pray this has helped someone reading this today and thank you for taking the time to read, May God bless you in many ways.
-A Woman with Faith


Monday, December 10, 2012

God, Spouse, Children... In That Order.

Sometimes it is hard to remember who should be in what order in your life. A lot of times our priorities are not always the best. Recently it has come to my attention just how much my priorities need some fixing.

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My Husband and I married young and though we have had our ups and downs, I would have to say we still have a wonderful marriage and beautiful family. The world will always give you pros and cons about getting married at whatever age you are, but getting married at a young age does throw a pretty big con at you; how much time you have spent with friends. My husband and I loved spending our alone time together but I feel because we were younger we really loved and wanted friend time and while it is a great thing to have friends, you have to watch who you devote most of your time to. Having children also makes it a little difficult to understand in what order everything should go. I'm not sure if it is because as a woman I have motherly instincts or if it is because it is just so amazing that of course it being God's will, I brought a child into this world with my body, but It's a different kind of love to have for your child than for your spouse, at times it does get hard to know who to put first. I always know in my heart and in the back of my head it is meant to be God, spouse, children, family and then friends. Did I always follow this? No.
While talking with my Husband the other day we said how we have both realized that yes we like spending time with our friends but our devotion to God and our marriage slips because of how much time we spend with them. Sometimes it takes you to go through something a little rough to realize what you need to do to fix things. When your relationship with God starts to fall short; everything in your life does. So what do you do? Start praying and asking for Gods wisdom to handle the situation correctly, take action and start reading the Bible together and study on what you should do, and reprioritize your life.
We know that first and foremost our devotion should be to our Heavenly Father, then our spouse; which is why from the beginning God created a help mate for Adam. (Genesis 2:18-Then the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him." Next comes devotion to your children. Having a child is a blessing from God and we should be so appreciative of that. (Psalm 127:3)
As you go about your day, just stop and think; are you devoting your time to God and your spouse properly? or are you putting others before them?

Thanks to all who have taken time to read this, I hope it was able to help you in some way and may you have a wonderful God filled evening!
-A Woman with Faith

Monday, November 21, 2011


When I think about my life today and how amazing things have turned out for me all I can do is give God all of the Glory. Ten years ago, even five years ago I never would've imagined my life being where it is now. I was a sophomore in high school and thought I had everything figured out with my life. I had planned on going to a well known University to be a physicians assistant, making certain moves that at the time I thought was right even though I knew God wouldn't be proud of, I didn't want to be married until I was 23 and thought I didn't want a child until I was 25. It's funny the things that happen that put road blocks in our way that ruins what we want for our future so that we can have what God wants for our future, though I wouldn't have it any other way now. 

I used to get so upset and frustrated when things wouldn’t go my way and I just could not understand it. I didn't understand why an amazing woman like my Mom had to have cancer, why my Grandma; another amazing woman had to pass away, why I got a scholarship to go the University I wanted to go to but ended up not being able to go. I felt so stuck with everything in my life, nothing was working out the way I had always imagined it. In 2007 I started talking to the guy who would become my best friend and then my Husband. A year later on the one year anniversary of my Mom being diagnosed with cancer my best friend proposed. It turned a very sad day into an extremely happy one. I was a Senior in High School and proudly engaged to the man of my dreams. Everything was going my way again.... Eight months later my Grandma passed away and I couldn't understand why. I kept thinking, "Why, she didn't do anything to deserve this, there's so many people out there living who do so wrong, why Her and not them?" Now I understand that it was her time to go home and be with Jesus and that was the way of making her life better not worse. I didn't end up going to the University I wanted because of my Grandma passing and not wanting to leave her side. Now I know that it was meant to be because if it wasn't for that happening I wouldn't be where I am today; a proud Christian woman, a wife and a mother. 

My Mom who we all thought was in remission found out she still had cancer and it had spread to her bones. Again everything felt like it was going down hill. Looking at everything that has gone on with my Mom in just these last few years makes me realize, God isn't doing this to hurt my Mom or any of her loved ones. She has showed me what its like to be a strong Christian woman, sister, mother and wife. Without her I don't know where I would be today; she's set a wonderful example of how to live a meaningful life. Through everything she has been through she has remained my role model and the person I can trust and talk to about anything. It's hard seeing my Mom go through the things she is now going through, but I know God would never give her or us anything we couldn't handle. He has something amazing in store for all of us! I often think, "Once my Mom is at Home with her Father in Heaven, who will I have to turn to that can give me motherly advice on how to stay a strong Christian, how to get through things in a marriage and how to raise a child?" Though nothing and no one can or will ever replace her I know now that above all the Lord our God will never leave me. He's always there for me to talk to, He'll always listen and help me through anything I may be going through. 
 On this Thanksgiving holiday I'm most thankful for the Lord my Savior and my Mother, without them Both I would feel lost.

**Thank you Lord for sending such an amazing woman into this world to be my Mom and show we what living is really all about and how to serve You in everything I do! -Amen

Thanks to all who have taken time to read this... God Bless and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
-A Woman With Faith