Thursday, July 28, 2011

Putting Trust in God

Putting Trust in God

I've been trying to think these passed two days what I can write about that will make readers want to come back. Then I realized I am doing this for myself and for God also. So it finally hit me; a praise that I have for God! Even though I can not see it; miraculous things happen when putting my complete and total faith and trust in God.

Coming home from having a great day and finding that we've received three medical bills all adding up to a high amount, that frankly my husband and I wouldn't have been able to afford sure put a damper on the great day. As we both stressed out not knowing what to do I decided to call and ask questions and see if we could get it any cheaper. While having the conversation we found out that we could get a tremendous discount due to other situations, but we still didn't think we could swing it. Though My husband and I were both so happy and praised God for giving us even that amount of a discount we were both still disappointed.

After thinking about it another day, we figured the only way we could pay our medical bills was to not pay our rent for the next month. So as I called and got the rent situated I was so nervous and full of anxiety because we've never been able to not pay a bill. I called some of my family members and asked them to please pray for us because of struggling with not only the finance portion of this struggle but spiritually too. Even though I questioned it with my human instinct I still felt faith that God would hear everyone's prayers and help us out even more. Before going to bed that night I prayed so much that God would forgive me for not putting my complete and total trust in Him and thanked Him for what he had already done to help us out.

The next day I came home to find a statement from the medical bills saying that we could fill out a paper and we wouldn't have to pay anything at all. Low and behold, all we needed to do was put our complete and total trusting faith in God that He would do anything for us that we asked for as long as we had that Faith. Later that day a couple of my family members asked us if we had noticed anything had changed for the better for us that day; and we explained to them what God has done to free us from the financial burden; they had been praying for us too. So while praying alone is powerful, praying with or in a group can be even more powerful. It's okay to ask others for help in prayer.

Looking back now at the last few days I thought; Why didn't I put my full trust in God from the beginning? It seems a lot of people usually to turn to God last when dealing with a difficult situation, when really we should turn to Him first and foremost. So my point that I'm trying to get across is; having trust that God will answer our prayers if we only put our faith in Him is so very important. I know with what He has just done for my family has opened my eyes so much more to trust Him and put my faith in Him, I give Him all of the honor and glory. Thank You Lord!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
-Proverbs 3:5

I hope this has helped you in some way & thanks for taking the time to read; God Bless!

-A Woman With Faith

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Welcome to the very first posting of my blog. Believe it or not God probably has brought you to this page for a reason! Now I'll explain a little about what you will find while reading my blog.

I am a born again Christian woman in my 20's married to my high school sweetheart and expecting our very first child, a baby girl. I have so much praise and glory to give to God for the wonderful life He has blessed me with; even though there have been down falls at some points, but those are the things that make us stronger and where would we be now without them?

A family member of mine who has recently rededicated his life to God felt God leading him towards starting a blog to help himself and others. The longer I thought about it I thought it was a really great idea and prayed for a couple of days and felt God leading me to do the same. So in my blog you will find things that pertain to how God has blessed my life, my family and others in my life; different situations I have been through and how God has helped me through them, of course from a woman's point of view.

I hope to help others through things they may be going through with scripture and just by them seeing how God has been so marvelous to me with all of my ups and downs. So whether something pertains to you or not; I pray you take the time to read and I hope it touches you in some way or another. Also, If a particular blog didn't help you please link my blog to any family or friends that you think it may help.

Thank You so much for reading & God Bless!
-A Woman With Faith