Am I Praying Right?
Lately I have been struggling with prayer. I still pray but not as much as I should or even as much as I used to. Every time I pray lately I think, “Am I praying right? Should I have worded it a different way? Did I really pray with complete faith?”
These last couple of weeks when praying I don't feel like I'm giving it my all and I know God's not answering my prayers, and I know it's not God's fault; It's mine. This is a struggle I'm trying to get through and let it work in Me to make me even stronger in my faith. We can't turn to God only in our times of need. Yes, He wants us to cry out to Him with any problems or struggles we are going through but we also need to turn to Him in Praise and thank Him for every glorious, magnificent thing He has done for us and others.
Now I have come to realize we need to pray more often; crying out and giving praise, pray with complete faith, not to pray because it may have become a habit and not to pray when we know we're praying for the wrong reason. We need to make a daily effort to dedicate ourselves to prayer every day and cry out to our Amazing Lord.
Three Bible verses in-particular have come to my attention to help me face this challenge and over come it, I pray that they will help anyone who is reading this and grower stronger.
-Psalm 5:3
Most mornings I wake up and think about how beautiful it is outside and how thankful I am to be here another day but I don't look up to God to give Him thanks for that like I should. This verse has helped me to get through that challenge.
-Romans 8:26
After reading this verse I now realize just because I don't feel like I have the perfect words to say to God doesn't mean I just should give up and not pray. Just pray! God knows the feelings and the meanings I have behind each word.
-2 Chronicles 7:14-15
We should always pray with a pure heart so God will hear all of our prayers!
I pray that reading this will help you in some way & thank you for taking your time to read. God Bless!
-A Woman With Faith