Monday, November 21, 2011


When I think about my life today and how amazing things have turned out for me all I can do is give God all of the Glory. Ten years ago, even five years ago I never would've imagined my life being where it is now. I was a sophomore in high school and thought I had everything figured out with my life. I had planned on going to a well known University to be a physicians assistant, making certain moves that at the time I thought was right even though I knew God wouldn't be proud of, I didn't want to be married until I was 23 and thought I didn't want a child until I was 25. It's funny the things that happen that put road blocks in our way that ruins what we want for our future so that we can have what God wants for our future, though I wouldn't have it any other way now. 

I used to get so upset and frustrated when things wouldn’t go my way and I just could not understand it. I didn't understand why an amazing woman like my Mom had to have cancer, why my Grandma; another amazing woman had to pass away, why I got a scholarship to go the University I wanted to go to but ended up not being able to go. I felt so stuck with everything in my life, nothing was working out the way I had always imagined it. In 2007 I started talking to the guy who would become my best friend and then my Husband. A year later on the one year anniversary of my Mom being diagnosed with cancer my best friend proposed. It turned a very sad day into an extremely happy one. I was a Senior in High School and proudly engaged to the man of my dreams. Everything was going my way again.... Eight months later my Grandma passed away and I couldn't understand why. I kept thinking, "Why, she didn't do anything to deserve this, there's so many people out there living who do so wrong, why Her and not them?" Now I understand that it was her time to go home and be with Jesus and that was the way of making her life better not worse. I didn't end up going to the University I wanted because of my Grandma passing and not wanting to leave her side. Now I know that it was meant to be because if it wasn't for that happening I wouldn't be where I am today; a proud Christian woman, a wife and a mother. 

My Mom who we all thought was in remission found out she still had cancer and it had spread to her bones. Again everything felt like it was going down hill. Looking at everything that has gone on with my Mom in just these last few years makes me realize, God isn't doing this to hurt my Mom or any of her loved ones. She has showed me what its like to be a strong Christian woman, sister, mother and wife. Without her I don't know where I would be today; she's set a wonderful example of how to live a meaningful life. Through everything she has been through she has remained my role model and the person I can trust and talk to about anything. It's hard seeing my Mom go through the things she is now going through, but I know God would never give her or us anything we couldn't handle. He has something amazing in store for all of us! I often think, "Once my Mom is at Home with her Father in Heaven, who will I have to turn to that can give me motherly advice on how to stay a strong Christian, how to get through things in a marriage and how to raise a child?" Though nothing and no one can or will ever replace her I know now that above all the Lord our God will never leave me. He's always there for me to talk to, He'll always listen and help me through anything I may be going through. 
 On this Thanksgiving holiday I'm most thankful for the Lord my Savior and my Mother, without them Both I would feel lost.

**Thank you Lord for sending such an amazing woman into this world to be my Mom and show we what living is really all about and how to serve You in everything I do! -Amen

Thanks to all who have taken time to read this... God Bless and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
-A Woman With Faith

Monday, November 7, 2011

Feel like You don't have time for God? You're not alone...

Do you think at the beginning of your days; Okay today I'm going to do this or that to serve the Lord? Then realize before you go to bed that you ended up doing nothing at all? I've been there lately, more than ever before.

Every day I think to myself (Okay, at this time I will spend learning, talking and listening to God). It's something that I say I'm going to do, think about doing it all day but at the end of the day I usually didn't do anything to serve the Lord. So many things get in the way that I use as excuses: Being a new Mom and trying to get the hang of things, while still trying to be a great Wife and Daughter, making sure the house stays clean, making sure there's something to eat for everyone, always trying to make sure I make everyone else happy. Though I know God is proud of what I'm doing to help others out, I know He'd be most proud if I first gave Him all of the Glory and talked to Him. Any day without God in it is not a good day.

At night when I realize I haven't done anything for God I think to Myself, instead of being on facebook a million times a day or texting people why didn't I take even those few minutes to spend with God? He has given me so much but instead of praising Him or giving Him any of my time I'm sitting here on the computer or on my phone. I feel like I don't intentionally use motherhood or being a wife and daughter as an excuse but those are the main things that keep me from spending my daily time with God and that's not a good reason at all. If anything I feel like being a wife, mother and daughter should make me want to spend more time and get even closer to God because without God all of those other things can fall to the wayside. A lot of times when I have free time I want to relax, take a nap or get housework done before my daughter gets fussy again. I've come to the point now that I feel stuck because I still want to do all of those things but give more time to God. Instead of making sure everyone else is happy I need to first and foremost make sure God is happy with everything I'm doing. All I can do for now is keep trying, read verses to help me and keep talking to God daily asking for help and praising Him at the same time.

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.
Psalm 42:1

Thank you so much for reading, I hope this has helped you in some way & God Bless as always!
-A Woman with Faith

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Am I Praying Right?

Am I Praying Right?

        Lately I have been struggling with prayer. I still pray but not as much as I should or even as much as I used to. Every time I pray lately I think, “Am I praying right? Should I have worded it a different way? Did I really pray with complete faith?”
        These last couple of weeks when praying I don't feel like I'm giving it my all and I know God's not answering my prayers, and I know it's not God's fault; It's mine. This is a struggle I'm trying to get through and let it work in Me to make me even stronger in my faith. We can't turn to God only in our times of need. Yes, He wants us to cry out to Him with any problems or struggles we are going through but we also need to turn to Him in Praise and thank Him for every glorious, magnificent thing He has done for us and others.
        Now I have come to realize we need to pray more often; crying out and giving praise, pray with complete faith, not to pray because it may have become a habit and not to pray when we know we're praying for the wrong reason. We need to make a daily effort to dedicate ourselves to prayer every day and cry out to our Amazing Lord.
        Three Bible verses in-particular have come to my attention to help me face this challenge and over come it, I pray that they will help anyone who is reading this and grower stronger.

-Psalm 5:3
My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; In the morning I will direct my prayer to You, and I will look up.

Most mornings I wake up and think about how beautiful it is outside and how thankful I am to be here another day but I don't look up to God to give Him thanks for that like I should. This verse has helped me to get through that challenge.

-Romans 8:26
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

After reading this verse I now realize just because I don't feel like I have the perfect words to say to God doesn't mean I just should give up and not pray. Just pray! God knows the feelings and the meanings I have behind each word.

-2 Chronicles 7:14-15
If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.

We should always pray with a pure heart so God will hear all of our prayers!

I pray that reading this will help you in some way & thank you for taking your time to read. God Bless!
-A Woman With Faith

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Putting Trust in God

Putting Trust in God

I've been trying to think these passed two days what I can write about that will make readers want to come back. Then I realized I am doing this for myself and for God also. So it finally hit me; a praise that I have for God! Even though I can not see it; miraculous things happen when putting my complete and total faith and trust in God.

Coming home from having a great day and finding that we've received three medical bills all adding up to a high amount, that frankly my husband and I wouldn't have been able to afford sure put a damper on the great day. As we both stressed out not knowing what to do I decided to call and ask questions and see if we could get it any cheaper. While having the conversation we found out that we could get a tremendous discount due to other situations, but we still didn't think we could swing it. Though My husband and I were both so happy and praised God for giving us even that amount of a discount we were both still disappointed.

After thinking about it another day, we figured the only way we could pay our medical bills was to not pay our rent for the next month. So as I called and got the rent situated I was so nervous and full of anxiety because we've never been able to not pay a bill. I called some of my family members and asked them to please pray for us because of struggling with not only the finance portion of this struggle but spiritually too. Even though I questioned it with my human instinct I still felt faith that God would hear everyone's prayers and help us out even more. Before going to bed that night I prayed so much that God would forgive me for not putting my complete and total trust in Him and thanked Him for what he had already done to help us out.

The next day I came home to find a statement from the medical bills saying that we could fill out a paper and we wouldn't have to pay anything at all. Low and behold, all we needed to do was put our complete and total trusting faith in God that He would do anything for us that we asked for as long as we had that Faith. Later that day a couple of my family members asked us if we had noticed anything had changed for the better for us that day; and we explained to them what God has done to free us from the financial burden; they had been praying for us too. So while praying alone is powerful, praying with or in a group can be even more powerful. It's okay to ask others for help in prayer.

Looking back now at the last few days I thought; Why didn't I put my full trust in God from the beginning? It seems a lot of people usually to turn to God last when dealing with a difficult situation, when really we should turn to Him first and foremost. So my point that I'm trying to get across is; having trust that God will answer our prayers if we only put our faith in Him is so very important. I know with what He has just done for my family has opened my eyes so much more to trust Him and put my faith in Him, I give Him all of the honor and glory. Thank You Lord!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
-Proverbs 3:5

I hope this has helped you in some way & thanks for taking the time to read; God Bless!

-A Woman With Faith

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Welcome to the very first posting of my blog. Believe it or not God probably has brought you to this page for a reason! Now I'll explain a little about what you will find while reading my blog.

I am a born again Christian woman in my 20's married to my high school sweetheart and expecting our very first child, a baby girl. I have so much praise and glory to give to God for the wonderful life He has blessed me with; even though there have been down falls at some points, but those are the things that make us stronger and where would we be now without them?

A family member of mine who has recently rededicated his life to God felt God leading him towards starting a blog to help himself and others. The longer I thought about it I thought it was a really great idea and prayed for a couple of days and felt God leading me to do the same. So in my blog you will find things that pertain to how God has blessed my life, my family and others in my life; different situations I have been through and how God has helped me through them, of course from a woman's point of view.

I hope to help others through things they may be going through with scripture and just by them seeing how God has been so marvelous to me with all of my ups and downs. So whether something pertains to you or not; I pray you take the time to read and I hope it touches you in some way or another. Also, If a particular blog didn't help you please link my blog to any family or friends that you think it may help.

Thank You so much for reading & God Bless!
-A Woman With Faith